World’s Poultry Science Association



WPSA is the leading global network for poultry science and technology

The World’s Poultry Science Association is a long established and unique organization that strives to advance knowledge and understanding of all aspects of poultry science and the poultry industry. Its major role is to encourage, and help facilitate, liaison among research scientists and educators, and between those in research and education and those working in the many diverse sectors of the industry.

membership benefits

  • World’s Poultry Science Journal (published four times/year)
  • Reduced fee for:
    – World’s Poultry Congresses
    – Congresses and Symposia of Federations
  • Branch meetings
  • Email WPSA Newsletter
  • Travel Grant Programme
  • Speakers’ Bureau
  • WPSA Awards

WPSA is present at


The WPSA Newsletter is published
four times per year.

WPSA programmes

<40 Travel grant

For WPSA members with a
maximum age of 40 years

>40 Travel grant

For WPSA members with a
minimal age of 40 years.

phd student research support

For WPSA Student members

Speakers’ bureau

Fostering conferences in
the poultry sciences.

Branch Development

A formal call for Branch
Development Proposals.

Upcoming articles in Journal

World’s Poultry Science Journal is the official publication of the World’s Poultry Science Association. The journal provides authoritative reviews in poultry science and an international forum for the exchange and dissemination of information including research, education and industry organisation.

Each issue includes poultry industry-related news, regional reports on global developments in poultry, reports from specialist scientific working groups, book reviews, association news and a calendar of forthcoming events.

Upcoming article

The role of bioavailable silica in supporting poultry growth and development

E.J. Burton

Upcoming article

Effects of phenolic compounds on broiler’s diet: a systematic review

Diogo Firmo Ferreira 

Upcoming article

Enzymatic fungal bio-degradation of agro-industrial by-products for sustainable poultry nutrition: a review

Lawal Tunde Ezekiel

Upcoming article

Cutting-edge progress in the protective efficacy of nanovaccines against poultry diseases

Hassian León-Montoya

Gold sponsors


Working together to feed the world